Here are some highlights. I hope you've enjoyed watching our little boy grow. Thank you for making this be a place where I can brag all I want!
Where to start?
~sleeps through the night, but is waking earlier
~takes two great a.m./p.m. naps
~recognizes the song, "Itsy Bitsy Spider" if we say the name of it
~will turn the page in a book if you ask him to
~eats Gerber or Mommy's homemade food without much distaste for either
~gets up into the crawling position but doesn't go forward
~scoots backwards; rolls all over
~claps his hands together
~likes to bang his hands on my shoulder, the coffee table, toys...
~getting the hang of the sippy cup
~getting the hang of dissolvable Cheeri-o snacks
~cracks up when we tickle him
~makes grunting noise when he's excited
~sucks thumb, but only when really tired
~has said "da-da-da"
~loves the swings at the park
~engages in stroller rides as opposed to falling asleep during them
~wears hats/sunglasses without protesting
~splashes in the tub and sucks on the washcloth
~makes his own order at restaurants (see above)
~sits in grocery cart seat
~his hair is starting to curl on the ends (just a little)
~will walk forward with assistance
~will lean on furniture with assistance
~can pull himself half-way up
~no teeth!