Davina and I met our freshman year of college, wherein we each only spent one year at that school. Reasons for our switching schools aside, we've always said the best part of freshman year was finding each other. We worked together, played together, exercised together.
Nearly a decade later, we remain close friends, while relying on hand-penned notes and Facebook chat as our saving graces. I'm crossing my fingers for Skype to work for both of us very soon.
I don't know why the Lord chose to have one of us smack-dab in the middle of the U.S. amidst wheat fields and dairy cows, the other of us to be experiencing ancient-old castles and exquisite cuisine in Europe. We profess that one day, when old, saggy, and graying, we will live close enough to one another to have chai tea on the front porch, and reminisce about our skinnier days.
We don't need glue, we don't need proximity. The thousands of miles and oceanic tides stretching between us mean nothing. What boundaries?
For us, it is a matter of keeping on going.
No matter where we are.
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