Feb 11, 2010

Heartathon, Day VII (I think-is anyone keeping track?)

This came in the mail today:
It's perfect. I don't know who it's from but I know where it's from: stupid.com. Never heard of it. Has lots of blinky flash icons and annoying stuff.

The packing slip reads: We hope you enjoy your stupid purchase. Thank you for shopping with us.

Shawn, is this from you?

Look how cute it is with jelly!
Aren't gift-bearing mail days the best?? Specially when you're feeling sorry for yourself because you have a peg-legged pirate kid struggling to get around? My poor baby. A little toast with a sweet message from mommy should make him feel better.


Weza said...

That is very very cool!

katieharris said...

Not from Shawn :)
It was supposed to have a message saying something like 'for you, because I know how much you like Valentines Day'. And then I failed to write my name, thinking it would be on the packing list.
Anyways, saw it and thought of you and Wilder--eating I Love You toast together. (and Shawn, I guess)
Hope your weekend is full of love, relaxation, and hot buttered toast.

The Boccias said...

Nathan has ordered from that website before. We're talking a game called "Shock Roulette" and bacon-scented air fresheners. Yeah...