Jan 11, 2010

The day just warranted take-out!

This morning I had ten minutes to get child and dog out the door. I swished my hair into a side pony thinking it would look like I'd tried, or was remotely fashionable. I spent 45 seconds on my makeup and another 10 seconds on tinted lip balm (thank you, C!) in the car.

Marley needed x-rays due to a kidney infection and possible stones. $115 (shriek) later, he's clear. Thank goodness. He stayed at the vet all day and it was nice to have some quiet at home later that afternoon. I usually hafto wear earplugs because he snores so loudly (he sleeps in the kitchen). And since I wear earplugs to bed, too, sometimes my ears hurt. Or itch. *grosssorry*

After I dropped Marles off Wilder and I headed to a "kids in the kitchen making pizza" playdate. Except I went to the wrong Stacy's house. I went to the Stacey's house who lives closer to me and who opened her front door with freshly showered hair, bemused to see me. But she is gracious and beautiful, and told us to STAY, because she was having a playdate an hour later, for little babies (ahhhh! stuff was beginning to go in my favor; I love babies).

So much to my mortification, we barged in on ham and noodles lunch with her boys and Wilder clunked on their piano and found their toilet and climbed their stairs and I discovered he likes pineapples out of the can.

When we got home after loving on babies I chased Wilder around giving him spoonfuls of applesauce because I'm paranoid about his getting enough to eat. We played with his new kitchen set then both crashed for naps.

And woke up 15 minutes before the vet closes.

I'm pretty sure my face showcased remnants of drool and mascara flakes and Wilder's diaper was bulging wet from his nap when we picked up Marles.
But he was glad to see us and he sat on my lap while we drove which was really hard because I have a big belly now and Marley isn't exactly a lightweight...we drove like this all the way to downtown to pick up Daddy then got Little Ceasar's.

Possibly the world's worst tasting pizza.

But I was just enough rattled to not want to cook.

hope W doesn't eat the new baby. *gnosh*


Weza said...

Yep i too would have got dinner in. Great day. :)

The Boccias said...

i think you're even funnier pregnant. :)

Unknown said...

You don't like little ceasers!!!! Hopefully today is not as insane!

Cindy said...

Sooo glad I could help, in a small way, with your crazy day!

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