Jul 21, 2008

A Prayer

AS the birth of our baby approaches, a million thoughts course through my mind—a thousand feelings through my veins…Who will he look like? Will all 10 fingers and all 10 toes be there—ready for my kisses? Will I know how to care for this child? Will I be able to leave him at daycare to return to the hub-bub of work? (Lord, give me strength to do so, because I don't want to!)

I am so thankful for every breath God gives me—knowing I breathe for my baby, that my body nourishes him-carries him-protects him. It’s a privilege. Motherhood is already more than I could have imagined. I visualize God cocooning a space in my heart meant just for our son. A place of pure acceptance of and unending devotion to, our son. A place that’s big enough for the joys and hurts of being a parent. A place where we can trial and error, ask for forgiveness, cry sometimes, ache sometimes. A place large enough to hold the fragrance of laughter and feelings of buoyancy. A place I can run to for strength.

Lord, mold us into the parents You’ve ever intended us to be. May our hearts be pliable in Your knowing hands. May we give You our doubts, fears, worries, burdens, disappointments, and, always, our dreams. Thank You for entrusting us with the gift of life. I can only guess that this impending, wonderful change will solidify (if not, burn) in our hearts the depth of Your love for us—will bring deeper meaning and power to Father and Son. Shepherd and Sheep.

May we know Your voice.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

praying with you