Jun 9, 2009

Insomnia befriended me--unwantingly

Hello? Are you there?

Didn't think so--it's almost 5am!!! And no one's up (unless you go to the Y really early to work out or you get up to knead bread & clean your house). Regular people go to bed, and stay there (unless you have an infant...)

Shawn works late at home sometimes, and I have such a keen sense of hearing (thanks, Mom), that when he clanked his spoon around in his bowl of generic CocoaPuffs, 'round 2am, I heard it.

So I'm up. Couldn't sleep. Thinking of people, to-dos, ta-das. My son. My heart. Life.

And I'm reading blogs. Aren't there so many cool people in the world? Does it ever make you want to be, uh, cooler? Craftier? More fashionable? More spiritual? Yeah, me too.

So here's what I've been thinking: detaching myself from corporate America has allowed me to revive those passions and likings in my heart, but, more importantly, it's given me the chance to invest in others a little more. Not as much as I want and plan to, but, better than before.

Amidst my people-loving, I want to see where God wants my giftings to go/what he wants me to do. It's easy for me to talk to people. I like crafty things, baking, the elderly, mid-century stuff. My number one job is "momma" but I'm excited that there's additives to that. I like thinking that, one day, when I return to work, "work"?

it'll be something that makes me undeniably giddy.

Duh! Why didn't I think of that before?

Good morning! Hope it was a restful night.


Kendra said...

You are such an adorable person. I count you among those especially "cool" people that enrich our lives and make us want to stive to be more. You are a blessing to anyone you come in contact with. Although it doesn't sound like you had a restful night, a lovely good morning to you...have a beautiful day!

Kyle said...

I was up too! Something in Judah's internal clock is telling him to stay up as late as possible, wake up really early, and don't take a nap. It's funny though, when he finally is sleeping, I can't sleep. Irony.

Kate said...

so cute! You have such a good outlook on things....very good for my soul to remember these things! :)

Unknown said...

Cute outfit Mindy. We need to go shopping together sometime soon! That is also a cute outfit on Wilder!