Jan 27, 2009

No, I would not like a wedgie

A few of my family members, whom I will mercifully allow to remain anonymous (you're welcome), have expressed their desperate need to see pictures of Wilder on a frequenter (not a word, I don't think) basis. I'm really feeling that if I do not heed their commands I will either:

a) get my nose pinched really hard like my sister used to do when we shared a room and I snored and she couldn't handle it and we had a kitty poster that was scary in the dark, or,

b) receive a wedgie like none other I've ever experienced. (how wedgies are different from wearing a thong every day, I am not sure)

In that neither of these options are really optimal {or
kind}, I have granted the folks' wishes. My apologies for the poor photo quality. Shawn has the Nikon 90% of the time so I'm left with the old camera...Wilder has captioned the pics for you.

Mommy put me in sunglasses for our walk because I have very sensitive eyes but then she edited the photo and now the coloring is weird. I, however, remain unfettered in my cuteness.

Mommy let me sit in the big boy rocking chair which she thinks is "mid-century retro" but that I will grow to abhor someday. What about trains and dinosaur stuff?
Mommy put me in a new onesie that is really for summer and she didn't even wash it straight out of the package!
But I am happy because she keeps my tummy full & reads me books. The same ones..over and over and over...


Shannon said...

I'm not a family member but pictures of Wilder are like an injection of sunshine. He oozes happiness!

Julie said...

You make me laugh! I loved "option A" as my sister and I used to share a room and it had a kitty poster too. But ours wasn't scary in the dark. :-)

Wilder's an absolute DOLL!!!

Unknown said...

I love them Mindy...thanks! And I wont give you a wedgie, no worries! He is so adorable...wish I was closer to babysit all the time@

Anonymous said...

Thanks sister; I was needing a Wilder fix...!!! He always makes my school days better somehow!
Love you~!!!!!
P.s. He is getting so much hair--strawberry blonde at that!!! :)