Mar 31, 2010

Black and white

Oh that all things in life could be black as black and white as white!

Black and white from each of us:

Wilder's new kicks:
Daddy's hankie (he wears one in his back pocket every day):
My new $8 purse from Target (it'll be filthy in a week but it was only $8!):
The living room floor has officially been spring-initiated as it is now covered in sand and toppled over tennies from multiple trips to the park:
And after a morning of squirrel chasing and stick collecting, I am, yes, you guessed it, off to nap!


Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

a little dose of happiness laid out in black and white. love it! p.s. that bag would be cute even if it was doused with strawberry jam.

Weza said...

Those shoes are so little and cute. Love the handbag too.