Mar 29, 2010

Peeps on cupcakes

I was in a cupcake mood, and have friends to share them with tonight..we had to go to Wal-Mart anyway, so I bought some Peeps and a strawberry cake mix.

Add a little imagination (and sugar), and you get festive Easter treats:

I've linked to this before, but check out the Whatever blog for the buttercream frosting recipe.

Mine melted a little~keep this in mind as the weather might want to add less milk so the frosting's not as runny. I was using a Wilton tip, trying to make designs, but one could never tell!
My kicking baby and I are off to try to get a 15-minute nap before W wakes...


Amy said...

Oh so cute!

Bethany said...

How fun! I may have to try these with the kids.

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

yummy! i'll take the pink one with a tall glass of milk, please.

Emily B. said...

You've inspired me! Now I need to bake and play with marshmallow bunnies!

Michelle said...

Your cupcakes turned out amazing! Good job!